And Now We Have It

After some very cartoonish and semi-cartoonish attempts, I think I finally got him to look about right.sketchbook page showing drawing of a conventionally handsome nude man leaning on an artist's stoolStill, he looks like a handsomer version of one of my comic characters.  I guess true realism will have to wait another day.

Last of the Creams

Colored pencil illustration on cream paper showing intense woman sitting by a ladder.The last of the cream paper drawings I have scanned.  I really like the look and effect of the colored pencil on this paper.  Posting these has inspired me to take it up again.

Also, I know I can go pretty crazy with hands sometimes…but these specimens are just ridiculous! That nipple of her’s is also pretty fantastic.

Lady with Prominent Nose and Thighs

Illustration of artist's model with prominent nose and thighs.

Part of me thinks this drawing is very weird looking.  But then again…there is some nice…shall I say “drama” to the line work.

I’ll go hide in a corner for typing that now.

Digitized Photography and Portrait Discovery

August Sander is one of my favorite portrait photographers.  He’s brilliant at capturing both the humanity and ridiculousness of his subjects August Sander is one of my favorite portrait photographers.  He’s brilliant at capturing both the humanity and ridiculousness of his subjects – something I aspire to in my own character designs.

I thought I had seen most of his published work…but I was wrong!

I love that boxer’s outfit.

