Ghost Squirrel Comic Page 3

comic page showing squirrel finishing his conversation with owl and exiting out onto a stage like space filled with a diverse and strange audienceThere are so, so many crowd scenes in this story.  I shall be a master crowdsman by the time this story is finished.

Last of the Creams

Colored pencil illustration on cream paper showing intense woman sitting by a ladder.The last of the cream paper drawings I have scanned.  I really like the look and effect of the colored pencil on this paper.  Posting these has inspired me to take it up again.

Also, I know I can go pretty crazy with hands sometimes…but these specimens are just ridiculous! That nipple of her’s is also pretty fantastic.

Lady with Prominent Nose and Thighs

Illustration of artist's model with prominent nose and thighs.

Part of me thinks this drawing is very weird looking.  But then again…there is some nice…shall I say “drama” to the line work.

I’ll go hide in a corner for typing that now.

Freaky Faced Lady

Green pencil illustration of a woman sitting on a cloth covered stool.

The “cream” set continues.  I always thought the way I drew this lady’s face seemed slightly…Miyazaki, I suppose.  It might be her expression.

Cream Colored Gesture

Life drawing gesture on cream paper made with red and grey colored pencil.

A shorter pose from the “cream paper” set.  I drew the model’s left hand particularly well, I think.  Very claw like.

Long Pose, Stange Knees

Drawing featuring long pose illustration of a nude man reclining on a board.

Another weirdly drawn guy.  Longer pose.  I think his proportions are a bit off, but the energy of the line work is nice.

He also has two knees on one leg.  Or maybe that’s skin flap.

And So It Begins…

I’ve occasionally posted character designs, early page sketches, and test illustrations for a comic book (or graphic novel, if you will) I’m working on called Ghost Squirrel.  I think it’s time I officially turned this website into a development blog for the title.

Well…here we go.  The mostly finished pencils of page 01.

pencil layout version of a comic book page featuring Squirrel character looking at clock and mirror

That’s the lead character at the end.  Also, that clock is important.

Expect updates once a week!

Reverse Angle Drawing, A Clothes Study

Sketchbook page featuring drawings of an art teacher in three sitting poses. Sketchbook page featuring drawings of art students and a woman in a chair.

Some times you get bored with the model and draw random people at a life drawing session instead.  It’s probably the best way to practice normal clothing.

Production Illustration Stage One

While I’m working on writing the first chapter or so of my comic Ghost Squirrel, I’ve decided to make a couple of “production design” illustrations.  These drawings are intended to help me explore and stage the locations featured in each of Ghost Squirrel’s major scenes.

Landscape illustration of animal characters eating at a cafe before a hospital

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