Better Than Naked

Sometimes drawing normal people is more engaging than drawing naked women.

Sketchbook page showing drawings of a heavy set male sitting on an artist's horse.

Yes, really.

Perky Boobs and Attitude

Sketchbook compilation showing a woman with perky boobs and varying stages of attitude.An older set of drawings.  Perhaps in that transitionary phase between my rounded college era cartoons and the wavy, crazy muscled era I’ve been drawing most of these posts from.

That said, I still love the reclining woman’s (at bottom) boobs.  They are just so damn perky.


Danger from Book Perusal

Sketchbook pages from way, way back.  I was looking at a great book on African art and things…well, things got a little weird.

Sketchbook page showing funny chicken footed creature with giant hole in its head.

Sketchbook page showing creatures that look like medieval inspired deer.The scans date from way back too.