Last of the Creams

Colored pencil illustration on cream paper showing intense woman sitting by a ladder.The last of the cream paper drawings I have scanned.  I really like the look and effect of the colored pencil on this paper.  Posting these has inspired me to take it up again.

Also, I know I can go pretty crazy with hands sometimes…but these specimens are just ridiculous! That nipple of her’s is also pretty fantastic.

Freaky Faced Lady

Green pencil illustration of a woman sitting on a cloth covered stool.

The “cream” set continues.  I always thought the way I drew this lady’s face seemed slightly…Miyazaki, I suppose.  It might be her expression.

Long Pose, Stange Knees

Drawing featuring long pose illustration of a nude man reclining on a board.

Another weirdly drawn guy.  Longer pose.  I think his proportions are a bit off, but the energy of the line work is nice.

He also has two knees on one leg.  Or maybe that’s skin flap.