Comic Page Clean Up

Still reworking the boxing scene for pacing issues.  Technically I should be posting page 7 today, but I’m not inclined to post the original version.  Instead: page 1 with clean (and possibly over-leveled) lines!

Clean line comic book page showing hand holding a watch and mirror.

And So It Begins…

I’ve occasionally posted character designs, early page sketches, and test illustrations for a comic book (or graphic novel, if you will) I’m working on called Ghost Squirrel.  I think it’s time I officially turned this website into a development blog for the title.

Well…here we go.  The mostly finished pencils of page 01.

pencil layout version of a comic book page featuring Squirrel character looking at clock and mirror

That’s the lead character at the end.  Also, that clock is important.

Expect updates once a week!