Long Pose, Stange Knees

Drawing featuring long pose illustration of a nude man reclining on a board.

Another weirdly drawn guy.  Longer pose.  I think his proportions are a bit off, but the energy of the line work is nice.

He also has two knees on one leg.  Or maybe that’s skin flap.

Strange Eyed Lady

Sometimes I get bored and conspire to make people as weird looking as possible.Illustration of strange looking woman sitting on cushioned stool and cloth.

Being bored with the model is also a good opportunity to practice cloth.

Female Dancer, Medium and Long

Life drawings, three medium length poses of a female dancer.

Long pose illustration of a pretty female dancer sitting on a stool.

The last of the “dancer lady” drawings I have scanned.  Longer poses here.  I think this set’s gestures were better…but that’s not unusual for me.

Fun Dancer Lady

sketchbook page featuring a female dancer

I suspect this model (the lady) may have been an exotic dancer in another life.  She was very strong, flexible, and felt comfortable posing upside down for extended periods of time.  

She was terribly fun to draw!

Long, Skinny, Distinctive

Illustration of a distinctive male artist's model holding sword and scabbard and sitting on a cloth covered stool. Sketchbook page featuring drawings a distinctive male artist model holding a cane and reclining.

Haven’t had enough man on this blog yet.  Some longer poses (10 min and 20 min) of a really fun artist’s model.  Really long and skinny, with a very distinctive belly button.  I might post shorter poses from this session.

Lady Gestures and Illustrations

Sketchbook page featuring two colored pencil based gesture drawings of a nude woman. Long pose illustrations of a nude woman drawing in red and gray pencils.

Some gesture sketches and some longer drawings of the same woman.

The bottom page is way more realistic than I usually get.  It’s a bit weird to look at for me.