Return to Comic Color

I’m not actively working on these comic pages anymore (or rather, I’m taking a break to work on a prose version of the narrative).  But I might as well post what’s already done.  Everything that’s posted so far is here.

Color comic book page.  Panels feature an intense boxing match between a grey squirrel and a bobcat.Color work starts to get a bit …candy-ish around here.  But, hey!  Color.  Don’t see too much of that around my blog.

Ghost Squirrel Scene Two – Layouts version 2

Right-o!  Reworked boxing scene in full.  Page 5 has an extra panel.  The original (second version) was fine and all, but it didn’t quite match the pacing of the rest of the scene.

The scene is meant to be a quick paced teaser to establish the rather important plot point that Squirrel is…well…already dead!

Comic book pencil layouts featuring a ringing boxing bell, a cheering animal audience, and a bobcat taking a swing at a squirrel.

Comic book pencil layouts featuring many small panels. An owl watches a boxing match, looks a little worried, and nervously holds a pocket watch. Meanwhile, the bobcat and squirrel fight.

Comic book pencil layout featuring a continued boxing match between a bobcat and a squirrel. A nearby guppy has unkind words to say about the squirrel.

Comic book layouts featuring a boxing match between a squirrel and a bobcat. The squirrel gets up off the mat to take on the bobcat. Meanwhile the owl looks intently at the strange pocket watch.

Comic book layout showing the squirrel punching the bobcat. The bobcat winds up a punch in retaliation and the owl, for some reason, looks happy about this.

Comic book page pencil layout showing the final "tock" of the pocket watch while the audience looks shocked. The owl is extra pleased.

Whamming Posterity

Comic panel showing one boxer whamming another from Katsu by Mitsuru Adachi

One more manga panel for posterity.  Sometimes relatively simple is the most satisfying à la Katsu! by Mitsuru Adachi.