Perky Boobs and Attitude

Sketchbook compilation showing a woman with perky boobs and varying stages of attitude.An older set of drawings.  Perhaps in that transitionary phase between my rounded college era cartoons and the wavy, crazy muscled era I’ve been drawing most of these posts from.

That said, I still love the reclining woman’s (at bottom) boobs.  They are just so damn perky.


Pointy Lady Three Ways

Sketchbook spread showing woman with pointy features three ways.That lady in the upper right is one of my favorite drawings from this period.  Something about the attitude, I think.

And Now We Have It

After some very cartoonish and semi-cartoonish attempts, I think I finally got him to look about right.sketchbook page showing drawing of a conventionally handsome nude man leaning on an artist's stoolStill, he looks like a handsomer version of one of my comic characters.  I guess true realism will have to wait another day.

Our Lady of Weird Proportions – A Life Drawing

A strangely classical looking drawing for me.  Drawn in some sort of watercolor pencil (though that “water” function will forever remain unused) and cream paper.  It looks pretty good.  I should start doing that again for long poses.

Grey and green colored pencil illustrations of nude woman in classic pose.

Also: that is one amazingly flat boob.  I’m sure the model had perfectly lovely breasts in real life…I hope.

Fun Dancer Lady

sketchbook page featuring a female dancer

I suspect this model (the lady) may have been an exotic dancer in another life.  She was very strong, flexible, and felt comfortable posing upside down for extended periods of time.  

She was terribly fun to draw!

Long, Skinny, Distinctive

Illustration of a distinctive male artist's model holding sword and scabbard and sitting on a cloth covered stool. Sketchbook page featuring drawings a distinctive male artist model holding a cane and reclining.

Haven’t had enough man on this blog yet.  Some longer poses (10 min and 20 min) of a really fun artist’s model.  Really long and skinny, with a very distinctive belly button.  I might post shorter poses from this session.