Disney Clean Up Sample

Some samples from a animation clean up assignment I’m working on.

Pinocchio Frame 32 – Original

Pinocchio Frame 32 – Clean Up
Pinocchio Frame 24 – Original
Pinocchio Frame 24 – Clean Up
Pinocchio Frame 9 – Original
Pinocchio Frame 9 – Clean Up

Original Animation – Lip Sync

Audio is Marlene Dietrich saying “Oh, shut up!”

This may or my not be from the film Witness for the Prosecution.  I cannot confirm or deny this because I’ve, alas, yet to see the movie.
As an additional random note: I based the angry lady’s appearance on Louise Brooks as Lulu from Pandora’s Box.

Wire Eaters Base Level Layout

An early pencil layout from the second scene of “Wire Eaters.”  The “final” pencil version includes more detail, but I do like the clean look of the empty room.

pencil sketch layout of a large domed interior, several pathways lead from many doors to a central dais.The art inside the gray overlay is the part you’d see “in camera.”

Wire Eaters Shot B1 Layout

I’m currently working on a pretty ambitious traditionally animated short.  It’s called “Wire Eaters” and below is the first existing shot of the film in workbook/layout form. 
Shot B1 – Layout Drawing 
For anyone curious the camera move is a three field right pan followed by a mild truck in.

Shot B1 – Layout with Camera and Animation Blocking
Shot B1 – Layout with Color Blocking

Lastly, how the shot looks “in camera”

Disney Inbetweens – Tramp Lip Sync

Assignment for Traditional Animation Basics 1 at the American Guild. Even drawings are photocopies of animation from Lady and the Tramp, odd drawings are drawn by me.