Freaky Faced Lady

Green pencil illustration of a woman sitting on a cloth covered stool.

The “cream” set continues.  I always thought the way I drew this lady’s face seemed slightly…Miyazaki, I suppose.  It might be her expression.

Buff Man, Cream Paper

Long pose illustration featuring buff man with crossed arms.

Another of the “cream paper” set.  This one features my favorite model — alas, now far away in Hawaii — an amazingly build man, perfect for drawing.

I like the way I drew ankles in this period.  I should take it up again.

Cream Colored Gesture

Life drawing gesture on cream paper made with red and grey colored pencil.

A shorter pose from the “cream paper” set.  I drew the model’s left hand particularly well, I think.  Very claw like.

Long Pose, Stange Knees

Drawing featuring long pose illustration of a nude man reclining on a board.

Another weirdly drawn guy.  Longer pose.  I think his proportions are a bit off, but the energy of the line work is nice.

He also has two knees on one leg.  Or maybe that’s skin flap.

And So It Begins…

I’ve occasionally posted character designs, early page sketches, and test illustrations for a comic book (or graphic novel, if you will) I’m working on called Ghost Squirrel.  I think it’s time I officially turned this website into a development blog for the title.

Well…here we go.  The mostly finished pencils of page 01.

pencil layout version of a comic book page featuring Squirrel character looking at clock and mirror

That’s the lead character at the end.  Also, that clock is important.

Expect updates once a week!

Our Lady of Weird Proportions – A Life Drawing

A strangely classical looking drawing for me.  Drawn in some sort of watercolor pencil (though that “water” function will forever remain unused) and cream paper.  It looks pretty good.  I should start doing that again for long poses.

Grey and green colored pencil illustrations of nude woman in classic pose.

Also: that is one amazingly flat boob.  I’m sure the model had perfectly lovely breasts in real life…I hope.

Pencil Layouts of A Comic Panel

Featuring a perspective aerial view of an owl walking through a leafy cityscape.  Just a teaser of a comic book project I’m working on.

perspective pencil layout of a comic panel

Character Design for an Upcoming Comic Book

A character design for a comic book (or graphic novel, if you will) I’m currently working on.  Timid Mole is his name.  As fitting his character, my goal was to make him as sweetly shifty as possible.

Pencil drawing of a shady mole character in panama hat and trench coat


Digitized Photography and Portrait Discovery

August Sander is one of my favorite portrait photographers.  He’s brilliant at capturing both the humanity and ridiculousness of his subjects August Sander is one of my favorite portrait photographers.  He’s brilliant at capturing both the humanity and ridiculousness of his subjects – something I aspire to in my own character designs.

I thought I had seen most of his published work…but I was wrong!

I love that boxer’s outfit.

